The latest installment in the popular Descent Series developed this time by several
members of the original Descent team who go by the name Outrage.
The game takes place immediately at the end of Descent 2. You are rescued after
destroying the warp core as your craft hurtles towards a star. Your saviors inform
you of further ongoing with PTMC and so the mission continues.
The graphics engine is completely new and modern and as such requires a good 3D
Apart form the improved graphics the game adds plenty of improvements to the
series; more ships, more weapons, more environments and more in-depth
gameplay. Instead of destroying drones and find the keys you have other missions
such as operate weird machinery or protect energy cores from attack.
So far the game has only been released on PC. A Descent 4 was planned but
development was canned after Descent 3 was not as successful as anticipated.