JET SET RADIO Dreamcast Pal | 2000
JSR is one of the most vibrant and stylish games ever and a showcase Dreamcast
This game debuted the used of Cell Shading a graphical technique used to give a cartoon look. It has been used in recent
games like Viewtiful Joe and X III.
You are a member of the GGs - a gang skating around the streets of Tokyo-to
covering it with their art. Unfortunately they are not alone. 3 Other gangs are
encroaching on your turf. As well as keeping them under control there are the plans
of an evil corporation to tackle too.
For game play you skate around grinding on railings, fences, riding on top of cars
and busses
The soundtrack to the game is ace. Plenty of pumping and catchy beats to make it
Jet Set Radio was also released for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. The next title;
Jet Set Radio Future was released on the X Box in 2002.