Present Bad Future
Zone 7: Stardust Speedway - Present Zone 7: Stardust Speedway - Future

From the start you have one of the new vertical ramps. Run towards this as fast as possible to be catapulted high into the air. At the end of zone 1 Amy Rose makes here first appearence. As you approch the end she will grab you and won't let you go. Good speed and a large jump will nicely evade her.

The future zone of Palm Tree Panic is a technological wasteland. Robotniks minions are everywhere and the water in the backdround is polluted. The graphics on this stage are excellent. For the level boss Robotnik attacks you with his EGG-HVC-D01. This looks quite a nasty bit of kit. To defeat him you have to strike when he retracts his bumper shield and charges at you. He only needs three hits to finish him off.

Past Good Future
Zone 6: Stardust Speedway - Past Zone 6: Stardust Speedway - Good Future

In the past there appears to be lots of water. The mountains in the background of not yet fully formed and the palm trees are still mere siblings.

In the good future there is no pollution and no robots. The Palm Trees are replaced by the techno looking ones but they don't look as nasty. Here the landscape goes phycdellic. Robotniks EGG-HVC-D01 looks very hippy.