Released in 1996 Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei (Zwei) was the first sequel for Panzer Dragoon released approximately 1 year earlier with events in the game actually creating a prequel title.
It was to be the last game of this style on the Saturn and improves over the original in all areas offering more re-playability with a wealth of unlockable features. It is easily one of the Saturn's showcase titles and a personal favourite.
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A winged Khourieat...
In the Ancient Time, Genetic reconstruction brought about the destruction of almost all of the human race. The survivors had to live in a world turned into wasteland by war, and were hunted by fierce genetically altered animals. After thousands of years, mankind adapted to this new world, and were even able to tame some of the creatures, such as Khourieats.
Villages live in fear of the genetic mutations, and have created a set of laws about them. In the belief that any further mutations will once again create the dangers of the Ancient Time, Khourieats who are born with the green light in their throats are killed immediately.

You have ignored the village code and kept a mutant Khourieat alive. There's something special about Lagi: not just his beautiful light, but his budding wings as well. You dream that Lagi's wings will one day carry both of you through many adventures.
Lagi has become a powerful Khourieat, and you have decided it's time to test out his wings. If you can get Lagi to fly you can convince your village not to kill Khourieats any more. Lagi runs faster and faster, and suddenly you feel yourself leave the ground!
You look down at the ground below in amazement, but recoil as you see a blinding white light in front of you. A massive airship has bombed your village!
You've seen airships battling in the sky, and have heard stories of the tribes waging war on each other, using weapons from the Ancient Time. Two groups, the Mecchanics and the Imperials, are fighting for control of the planet. And now their war has destroyed your home.

Now you have nothing left but Lagi and you desire to make the Imperials pay for what they've done. You make your way down to the ruins of your village. And there the battle begins....

Taken from European Manual
The gameplay to Zwei is essentially the same as the original Panzer Dragoon with a few tweaks that enrich the overall experience. You fly (or run) across a predetermined course shooting down enemies and some projectiles from a full 360-degree range avoiding environmental hazards along the way. When your dragon takes a hit from an enemy or hazard it looses energy.
New features in the mix include most episodes (or levels) having two routes through which a player can battle through and a Berserk Attack where your dragon will unleash a massive, torrent of homing lasers for a short amount of time and will be invulnerable. Dragon metamorphosis runs alongside progress through the game. As you earn more points completing episodes your dragon will evolve.
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Other minor tweaks to the gameplay include the firing and radar. A single press of a fire button will release a burst of 4 shots (initially) of manual fire. The lock-on laser system is a tad faster by default and has tighter control over the icon_video.
The radar system functions the same with an added warning system (when activated) where a quadrant will highlight a colour representing danger level.
Graphically the game has improved with more detailed textures, better animation and very noticeable improved water effects. All this runs at a much smoother framerate that's a good example of what the Saturn can do.
Sonically, the game is superb with the artistic, atmospheric haunting melodies running directly off the Saturn's PCM chip.
You can download any of the tunes from the game from the Soundtrack page.
The challenge has been upped slightly from the previous game, though this is variable depending on which routes are taken.
The D-Pad controls the flight direction of your dragon and your crosshair for targeting with manual fire and homing lasers. The number of simultaneous lock-ons will increase but you will begin with 4.
Pressing a double left or double right will perform a dash in that direction. Stronger dragons have the ability to perform barrel rolls.
Buttons A,B and C are your weapons. You have 2 at your disposal; single shots and homing lasers. A single tap of the button will fire a burst of shots.
By holding down one of the fire buttons the crosshair will open. Moving this over enemies or other targets marks/targets them. Releasing the button will fire a homing laser.
Buttons X, Y and Z trigger a Berserk Attack. It is recovered by use of lock-on lasers. You can initiate a Berserk Attack at anytime though its duration depends on the amount in the Berserk bar.
The L and R triggers rotate the viewing area in 90-degree increments.
The Start button pauses the game.
On screen at all times will be your radar, your dragons energy represented by the blue bar and berserk level represented by the smaller green bar. Any bar appearing red indicates low and therefore danger.
During a boss encounter, the energy of your adversary be creature or contraption will be displayed at the top of the screen.
The dragon will die and fall out the sky when it takes too much damage and runs out of life.
You are then displayed the game over screen giving the options of continuing (CONTINUE) from the start of the episode you are currently on or saving your progress and ending the game (SAVE END) or ending without saving (END).
Upon ending a game you are given your final score and a breakdown of shoot down calculating a final percentage and matching rank.
Scoring and Points
You will earn points for every enemy and object that is shot down. There is a set number of enemies in an episode. The higher percentage that are shot down the more points earned and total [upgrade] points earned. A report is give at the end of each episode. Upon the next episode your score is reset to 0.
The additional total [upgrade] points system controls the metamorphosis of your dragon throughout the game. This system is not to be confused with a players score. The score is essential to opening gameplay options inside Pandra's Box; an extended options system (more information below).
For total points a player can earn:
Level Points - You can earn up to 2 points per episode.
Route Points - You will earn 1 point more for taking an alternative route in an episode except episode 4 where it is possible to earn 2.
Technical Points - You can earn up to 2 points per episode.
How many of these upgrade points rewarded are dependant on your score which in turn depends on how many enemies you have shot down and how fast you defeat the episode boss.
As you earn Total [upgrade] points and your dragon evolve and take on different appearances. The more upgrade points the better your dragon until reaching the final form. Improvements will be agility, more simultaneous lock-ons for better attacks thus improving recovery for another Berserk Attack.

Episode Clear
Game Options
Zwei has pretty standard options by default not affecting the gameplay. However, a slew of options are available when the game has been completed. The standard ones are:
Up/Down - Reverse the functions of Up and Down on the D-Pad.
Controller Setting - Reassign buttons.
Instrument Mode - Adjust the level of detail on the screen. Choose between Off, Normal or Full. Default is Normal. Full mode will show points for every item shot down, where route changes occur, the time limits for defeating bosses and full radar functions.
When you have beaten your high score stored in the Saturn's RAM it will begin to flash multi-coloured.
A quadrant highlighted yellow means enemies are on the edge of visual range, orange indicates they are closing in and red indicates they are dangerously close.
Setting this to OFF will make for a harder game.
TV Mode - Choices are Normal and Wide which allows for panoramic views of special scenes.
Sound Mode - Choose between stereo or mono output
Sound Balance - Adjust the balance of the audio. Choices are BGM, Normal or SE.
Music - Listen to any of the music tracks in the game.
Player Data - Displays the data about the player stored in the Saturn's memory. It provides:
Total Plays
Total Time
Total Cleared Games
Hi Score
Best Shot Down Ratio (%)
Shot Down by Episode (%)
Best Dragoon Rank
There are a total of 7 episodes in the game (6 and a final boss). In between each episode will be a cut scene advancing the story of the game.
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Pandra's Box contains many unlockable secrets and tweaks that can be made to the game and is available after the completing the game once. For example, in Pandra's Box you can choose your dragon, have access to new weapons and start on any level. There is even a bonus level. The more and better you play the game the more options are unlocked.

The Options in Padora's Box
All options in Pandra's Box are unlocked when 100% shoot down on each episode (regardless of route) and the ultimate rank of WINGED DEATH or the game is played for a total of 30 hours.
If you turn this mode on, your saved game will be wiped and no more saves possible but you can turn it off again.
Find Pandra's box from the options screen. When your options have been configured return to the title screen and select Box Game to begin.
The run down is as follows:
Option 1: Episode [Select]. Set where the game starts.
Episode 1-7
8th - Test Episode. Last Boss
Special - Episode Test. Episode 2 played in a very small window.
Begin - plays opening movie then game starts (Destiny Begins).
Zero Space - a mini-game where you are timed against defeating various enemies.
Prologue - View extended opening movie.
Epilogue A, B, C, D, E - view ending sequence. The letter denotes different dragon forms.
Staff Roll A, B, C, D, E - view credits. The letter denotes different sequences of images that are displayed.
Omake 1
Omake 2
Omake 3Option 2: Dragon [Select]. Choose which dragon to play with.
Type_01 - The Original Panzer Dragoon dragon.
Pup - A small green dragon with small health and 1 laser.
Type_02 - The Guardian Dragon from Panzer Dragoon. This creature is a tough one!
Guardian_D - The Guardian Dragon from Zwei.
Option 3: Level [Select]. Sets the difficulty. Choices are: Normal, Hard, Super Hard, Ultra Easy, Super Easy, Easy
Option 4: Life [bar adjust]. Set the size of the dragons life bar.
Normal - default
X2 - doubled
X3 - Tripled
X4 - Quadrupled
Increase - The dragons energy regenerates.
Zero - no energy bar. A single hit will kill.
Phoenix - energy returns to full when depleted.
Lagi - Play as the dragon only. You will only have the lock-on lasers.
Lundi - Play as rider only. You have a different lock-on laser as well as the manual fire. Looks very odd!Option 5: Shot [Select]. Choose between different manual weapons.
3 Way - fires a spread of 3 shots in a horizontal line.
5 Way - fires 5 shots in a diamond shape.
7 Way - fires 7 shots in a diamond shape.
Homing - automatically targets weakest spots on enemies.
Graviton - is a large but very short range shot.Option 6: Laser [Select]. Choose between different types of lasers.
Normal - No change
Full Auto - locks on and automatically fires
Bctrl - Uses berserk type lasers
BCG - Gives a much wider area to sight targets using 9 crosshairs.
Heavy - gives much more powerful lasersOption 7: Berserk [adjust]. Set the amount and rate of recovery for Berserk Attacks.
Normal - No change
x2 - Berserk bar is double in size
x3 - Triple in size
x4 - Quadruple in size
Increase - restores more berserk power than normal per lock-on laser shot.
Zero - No berserk function
No limit - restores berserk to full immediately after a discharge
Tornado - unleashes a berserk and makes your dragon roll through the air until complete.Option 8: Rolling Mode [toggle]. Select ON or OFF. When ON the dragon is able to do barrel rolls by double pressing diagonal UP/RIGHT or DOWN/LEFT and do a great job of disorientating you as the entire screen rolls.
Option 9: Sight [Speed]. Set the speed of the crosshair.
Normal - Default
High - Faster
Low - Slow
Special - Mega-fast.Option 10: Start Area
Normal - Starts at the beginning of an episode.
Boss - Starts at the boss encounter (end) of an episode.Option 11: Pause Menu [toggle]. When toggled ON allows the changing of instrument mode and sight speed in game. The radar can be moved about the screen using the second controller.
Option 12: Soundtest. Listen to any of the music and sound FX and in the game.

Example of a game using Pandra's Box
Like its predecessor, Zwei sports an enchanting soundtrack released officially as a CD audio album.
Two official soundtracks exist for Zwei. There is an original version and an orchestral arranged version.
You can download tracks taken directly from the game on the soundtrack page.
Original Soundtrack

1. Bondage ~ Main Theme
2. Omen
3. Legend Of Light
4. Destiny Begins
5. The Journey
6. The Great Ravine
7. The Empire
8. Flight
9. The Empire's Giant Carrier
10. Forest of Taboo
11. Hanuman
12. Ruins
13. An Attack from Darkness
14. Rando Doura
15. Sea of Ice
16. Conclusion
17. The Unexpected Enemy
18. Requiem
19. Parting
21. Lagi and Lundi ~ Theme of Zwei
22. Bonus Track SE Collection
Original Arranged Album

1. Main Theme
2. Destiny Begins
3. The Great Canyon
4. The Empire
5. Flight
6. Forbidden Forest
7. Ruins
8. Water Dragon
9. Sea of Ice
10. Duel
11. The Expected Enemy
12. Epilogue
See Route Changes
You can see where the routes differ in each episode by changing the instrument mode setting to full.
Lots of points in Episode 1 (Destiny Begins)
Towards the end of Episode 1, as you leave the village heading to walk under the panther-like creature, switch to left view and look up. There will be a battleship (black) in the sky. Begin shooting this with manual fire. Your score will continue to double every few seconds. You are safe to do this until the episode ends as there are no more dangers.

Lots of Points
Extra Points
Some enemies, especially the fighter craft seen in Episode 2, can be continued to be shot when they are tumbling out the sky. A few extra points (visible in full instrument mode) can be gained before they vaporize.
Some bosses like in Episode 4 can be shot with the lock-on laser after it has been killed gaining more points.
Also destroy any pieces of debris which fall off bosses and incoming fire such as fireballs.
Get all of Pandra's Box Easily
If you have a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga and a save file in your Saturn's memory and boot up Panzer Dragoon Zwei all options will automatically be unlocked.
Dragon only Mode and Rider Only (Space Harrier) Mode
When you have obtained all of the secrets in Pandra's Box goto the life section. Chose Lundi to play with just the rider and Lagi to play with just the dragon.
Play as the Original Dragon from Panzer Dragoon (Final Dragon)
To play as the final dragon before you need 24 total [upgrade] points. To get these, take the second route on Episode 2, the second route in Episode 3 and third route in Episode 4. The final dragon morph takes place in the face of the last boss.
Automatic Dragon and Enemy Control System (ADEC)
To activate the ADEC system, choose Full Instruments in the Options and then while playing press BUTTOM B on controller 2. This is the same as the Pause Menu option in Pandra's Box.
Make Episode 3 Boss Explode
When fighting the creature at the end of episode 3 damage it so it's health is almost gone and then launch a berserk attack. Instead of collapsing it will explode.
X-Y Radar
During play press BUTTON A on controller 2.
To kill yourself, press A+B+C+L TRIGGER+R TRIGGER anytime during play.
Clean Pause
Press Start and then BUTTONS X+Y+Z. Not really useful for anything except for getting screenshots.
Extra video with Panzer Dragoon Zwei with Saga
By booting up Panzer Dragoon Saga, opening the Saturn and loading Panzer Dragoon Zwei you can view parts of the FMV intro to the original Panzer Dragoon.
Extra's for Panzer Dragoon Saga with Zwei
If you have a save file of Panzer Dragoon Zwei and boot up Saga the following options will be available.
1 - For every hour played in Zwei you will receive a hundred Dyne.
2 - The girl who plays hide and seek outside Vaiman's will give you a music box. Go back to the camp to access it.
3D Controller Fix
With the Saturn Analogue controller/3D NiGHTS Pad berserk can be triggered whenever the L TRIGGER and R TRIGGER is used. A workaround is going into the options and setting BUTTON X to NO USE. Berserk can still be triggered with BUTTONS Y and Z.
There have been no other versions of Zwei on any other platforms. It was hoped that an upgraded version appears in line of the SEGA Ages brand as the original Panzer Dragoon did but that line has been discontinued.
Panzer Dragoon Saga
The next game in the series was Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Saturn, a critically acclaimed RPG set in the PD world. For more information see Panzer Dragoon Feature or Games of the Month Archive December 05.

Panzer Dragoon Saga European Case CD's 1-2
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Panzer Dragoon Orta
The latest (and likely the last) in the series was Panzer Dragoon Orta for the XBox. For more information check out Panzer Dragoon Orta Page.

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Some Saturn emulators exist and VF can be played using the SSF Emulator. This can be downloaded from the Saturn Emulators page.
- International Cases [Jap, US]
- The game can be played with the NiGHTS 3D Controller.
- The title screen sports the use of the Saturn hi-res mode 704x480 - the highest on a console at the time. Virtua Fighter 2 was another game to use this.
- When larger enemies such as battleships are smoking and going down it is still possible to lock and fire lasers onto them still earning points.
- There is a bug in Episode 3 just before the boss. If you check the aft view you will see the black cruiser sitting in the trees even if you have destroyed it more than once.
- There is a Pup dragon that can be selected in Pandra's Box. If it had wings it would look very similar to the dragon shown during the development of the original Panzer Dragoon.
- Like the first Panzer Dragoon, the Japanese version of the game contains documents from the developers. One of these describes the PD world (world.txt) and another describes the scoring system and technical aspects (omake.txt). Another (readme.txt) contains comments from developers.
- The myth of Pandora's Box was that once all the horrible things had been released into the world the only thing left inside was hope. Very poetic within the context of the games setting. It is perhaps reasonable to presume Pandra is a misspelling of Pandora since in Panzer Dragoon: Orta the name was Pandora's Box.
- Pandora's Box is also the name of a famous fetish club in New York.
- As I've covered the first two PD games for the Saturn thus far, this space is to say that Panzer Dragoon Saga won't be covered. There are plenty of websites out there which can do such a great game so much more justice than I can. I am very fortunate to be the proud owner of a PAL version though. That said, I'll probably cover Orta completely at some point in a different area of the site.
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei Soundtrack
Games of the Month Archive - Panzer Dragoon
Games of the Month Archive - Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei
Games of the Month Archive - Panzer Dragoon Saga
Games of the Month Archive - Panzer Dragoon Orta
Zwei feature at 1UP
An interesting feature which includes a video of the opening sequence and some gameplay.
The Will of The Ancients
An excellent resource for everything in the PD world including fan artwork, fiction and an in-depth guide to playing the games.