Title Screen

| Sonic CD |


Palmtree Panic is our starting tropical stage of any Sonic Game. Palmtrees, waterfulls and lush greeney create the pleasant environment.

Amy makes an appearence at the end of Zone 1. Just near the goal she will latch onto you and wont let go. Some speed and a nice jump will evade her.

Robotnik attacks in his EGG-HVC-D01. The bumpers on the arms will rebound you off when you jump at them. He is weakest when he drops them and prepares to run at you. He only needs 3 hits to be defeated.

Palmtree Panic - Present Palmtree Panic - Past

Palmtree Panic - Present

Palmtree Panic - Past

Palmtree Panic - Bad Outcome Palmtree Panic - Good Outcome

Palmtree Panic - Bad Outcome

Palmtree Panic - Good Outcome

Next Zone -| Collision Chaos

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